Muskingum County Auditor | Muskingum County, Ohio
Dog & Kennel License

Purchasing a Dog License

All dogs older than three months are required to be registered in Ohio per Ohio Revised Code 955.01.  The fee for a one-year license is $16 during the regular sale season which runs from December 1 – January 31 annually.  After January 31st, a penalty equal to the dog license fee will be assessed in addition to the standard dog license fee.

There are currently three methods to renew/purchase your 2024 Muskingum County Dog License:

  1. Purchase your 2024 Dog License online at Online purchases include a processing fee and a shipping and handling fee.
  2. Purchase your 2024 Dog License by completing a blank application. Return it with check or money order AND a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Muskingum County Auditor’s Office located at 401 Main Street, Zanesville, OH 43701. Your 2024 tags and receipt will be mailed to you.
  3. Purchase your 2024 Dog License in person at the Muskingum County Auditor's Office at 401 Main Street, at the Muskingum County K-9 Adoption Center at 1854 East Pike, or the Animal Shelter Society at 1430 Newark Road. Cash or check only.

Dog License Pricing

License Type

Regular Price

Late Price

One Year License



Three Year License*



Permanent License*



Kennel License**



Additional Kennel Tags


Replacement Tag for a Lost, Current License


Current License Transfer to a New Owner


Puppy License (Three months old after July 1st)


*Three year and permanent licenses can only be purchased at the County Auditor’s Office or Muskingum County K-9 Adoption Center.

**Kennel licenses are only available at the County Auditor’s Office. To be issued a kennel license, you must also possess a valid Ohio vendor’s license and actively breed and sell the dogs.

Dog License Search

If you found a dog that does not belong to you and has its dog tag on its collar, please use our dog license search system to locate the owner of the dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to license my dog?
Section 955.01 of the Ohio Revised Code states “every person who owns, keeps, or harbors a dog more than three months of age shall file, on or after the first day of the applicable December, but before the thirty-first day of the applicable January, in the office of the county auditor of the county in which the dog is kept or harbored, an application for registration for a period of one year or three years or an application for a permanent registration.”

In addition to the statutory requirement, another reason to license your dog is so that if your pet is missing, the dog warden can identify them by their license and notify you to quickly claim him.

Section 955.12 of the Ohio Revised Code allows the county to hold a licensed dog for up to 14 days, after mailing a notice of its capture to the owner, before allowing it to be either sold or destroyed. If a dog is unlicensed, the Law allows it to be either destroyed or sold after only 3 days.

When should I license my dog?
All dogs over three months of age must be licensed each year between December 1 and January 31. If you bring your dog into Ohio after January 31 or if you obtain your dog after January 31, you are required to purchase the license within 30 days per Ohio Revised Code Section 955.01.

Is there a penalty if I do not register my dog?
Ohio Revised Code Section 955.01 states that if the application for registration is not filed and the registration fee paid on or before the thirty-first day of January each year, the auditor shall assess a penalty in an amount equal to the registration fee upon the owner, keeper, or harborer, which shall be paid with registration fee.

Where do I purchase a dog license?
The County Auditor’s Office, The Animal Shelter Society, and The Muskingum County K-9 Adoption Center sell dog licenses year-round.  The County Auditor’s Office contracts with satellite vendors during the regular dog licensing season to sell licenses.  Licenses may also be purchased online.

What information do I need to have available to purchase a license?
To register your dog(s), you will need to supply the Name, Address, Telephone Number, and Email Address (if applicable) of the owner. You will also need the Breed, Age, Sex, and Hair Color of each dog. Each dog receives a distinctive tag number. Once your dog has been assigned a license, the license number and the information about the dog is retained in the County Auditor’s office for 2 years.

How do I get a tag for my Service Dog?
Per Ohio Revised Code 955.011(B)(3), “Assistance dog” means a guide dog, hearing dog, or service dog that has been trained by a nonprofit special agency.  The owner must provide proof of the training such as certification from the nonprofit special agency.  Service dogs must be licensed, but their fee is waived. Once they are registered with the county, they are permanently licensed by receiving a special tag.

What is the definition of "Kennel Owner"?
According to Ohio Revised Code 955.02, a kennel is “an establishment that keeps, houses, and maintains adult dogs as defined in Section 956.01 of the Revised Code, for the purpose of breeding the dogs for a fee or other consideration received through a sale, exchange or lease and that is not a high volume breeder licensed under Chapter 956 of the Revised Code”. When a person breeds dogs as a hobby “but permits sales to become such a factor that he advertises for sale” the breeding activity and dogs, that person “is professionally engaged in the business of dog breeding” and should be registered as a kennel.

What if the licensed dog changes owners?
The new owner is required to record the ownership change with the County Auditor for a fee of $5.00 per Ohio Revised Code 955.11.

How do I replace a lost license?
If the license would become lost or misplaced, you can request a duplicate tag at the Auditor’s Office for $5.00.

What do I do if I find a lost dog?
Please call The Muskingum County K-9 Adoption Center at (740) 453-0273.  If the dog is wearing their dog tag, you may search their tag number at

How do I report my dog as having been lost?
Please call The Muskingum County K-9 Adoption Center at (740) 453-0273.

What if I move?
If you move within your current County, you can call your County Auditor's office with your new address and telephone number so they can keep your information up to date. If you move to another county, call that County's Auditor for licensing information.

Where can I find the laws that apply to dog licensing?
The laws governing dog licensing in the State of Ohio can be found in the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) sections 955.01 thru 955.99.

Nuisance, Vicious, and Dangerous Dogs

What is a Nuisance Dog?
Subject to 955.11 (a)(3)(a) of the Ohio Revised Code, “nuisance dog” means a dog that, without provocation and while off the premises of its owner, keeper, or harborer, has chased or approached a person in either a menacing fashion or an apparent attitude of attack or has attempted to bite or otherwise endanger any person.

What is a Dangerous Dog?
Subject to 955.11 (A)(1)(b) of the Ohio Revised Code, a “dangerous dog” has caused injury, other than killing or serious injury, to any person, killed another dog, or been the subject of a third or subsequent violation of division C of Section 955.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.

What is a Vicious Dog?
Subject to 955.11 (A)(6)(B) of the Ohio Revised Code, “vicious dog” means a dog that, without provocation, has killed or caused serious injury to any person.

How do I register my dog that has been classified as a “Dangerous Dog”?
A Dangerous Dog Registration form must be completed, a $50 fee paid (in addition to the regular dog license fee), and the following submitted:

  • Evidence of the dog’s current rabies vaccination.
  • Evidence of the fact the dog has been spayed or neutered.
  • Evidence that the dog has an active microchip and the microchip number.
  • Printed picture of the dog you are registering.
  • Evidence of the fact that you have posted clearly visible “Dangerous Dog” warning signs.
  • Evidence of liability insurance-if ordered by the courts.

What requirements are there if my dog has been classified as a Dangerous Dog?
For a Dangerous Dog you are required by Ohio Law to:

  • Affix the tag to the dog’s collar and ensure the dog wears the collar at all times.
  • Notify the Dog Warden immediately if the dog is loose, bites someone, or attacks another animal.
  • Notify the Auditor within 10 days of the sale, transfer of ownership, change of address, or death of this dog.
  • Renew this dangerous dog registration each calendar year no later than January 31st.

Satellite Vendors

During the months of December and January, dog licenses are available for purchase at the following outside agencies:

Animal Shelter Society

1430 Newark Road


Duncan Falls Library

222 Main St

Duncan Falls

Gobel Hardware

23 N Main Street


Hanby Farms

10790 Newark Road


Maysville Do it Center

2535 Maysville Pike


The Mill in Dresden

16 E 7th St


Muskingum County K9 Adoption Center

1854 East Pike


Muskingum County Library System

220 5th Street


Shrivers Pharmacy

101 W Dave Longaberger Avenue


Sunrise Do it Center

2129 East Pike


Orme West

51 E. Main Street

New Concord

Village of Frazeysburg Town Hall

7 West 2nd Street



2024 Dog License Application

2024 Kennel License Application

Dangerous Dog Registration